Taking the “fat” out of stubborn fat.
And off of your body, for good.

Sometimes there are pockets of fat that just won’t go away. Despite a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, that extra little bit might still hold on right where you don’t want it. But that doesn’t mean it has to stay there forever. Our innovative liposuction technique can remove unwanted fat to finally give you the lean body you’ve been working for.

Tickle Lipo is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that can eliminate stubborn fat and provide you with quicker results and less downtime compared to traditional liposuction.


What It Treats

Unwanted fat in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks



Procedure Time

1.5 hours to 4 hours, depending on the number of areas

Recovery Time

3 to 5 days of downtime




Your newly sculpted body heals much faster with Tickle Lipo than with traditional liposuction, which also means you’ll see your body contouring results sooner!


Tickle Lipo removes the significant pain, swelling and downtime that traditional liposuction brings. As a result, you get fat-reduction results with only a few days for recovery.


Tickle Lipo can be part of our minimally invasive Mommy Makeover, and it also works with our various other procedures to give you the best body sculpting results possible.

Step-by-Step Process


You’ll first meet with us for a free consultation to examine your body and discuss your goals for your Tickle Lipo in our St. Louis office with Dr. Moore.

Step-by-Step Process

Apply Local Anesthetic

Before Dr.Moore begins, we’ll apply a local anesthetic to maximize your comfort during the procedure.

Step-by-Step Process

Tickle Lipo Procedure Begins

Next, the micro suction cannula is inserted into each incision to target unwanted fat. It delivers small vibrations that liquefy the fat for easy removal. Most report this part feels like actual tickling.

Step-by-Step Process


Once we’re done, we’ll give you the proper tools and instructions for a healthy recovery. Tickle Lipo is minimally invasive, allowing you to return to regular activities within three to five days.

How It Works

Tickle Lipo, or Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture, uses a low-frequency acoustic vibration to remove stubborn body fat with little agitation to surrounding tissue. The outcome? Less recovery time with more quickly visible results.

Dr. Moore performs Tickle Lipo in our St. Louis plastic surgery center under local anesthesia using a unique micro-cannula device, which requires a much smaller incision than traditional liposuction. The Tickle Lipo technology uses a nutation movement that gently vibrates, tickling the fat cells, which more efficiently breaks them apart.

The Lifestyle Center patients love Tickle Lipo because they see immediate enhancements in the tone and shape of their bodies in the treated areas.

Almost Immediate Results

With Tickle Lipo, your body-sculpting results are almost immediate. To promote a faster recovery and more impressive results, we follow up all of our Tickle Lipo procedures with a lymphatic massage, Venus Legacy and acoustic wave treatments during the two weeks after your procedure.

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We often combine the Tickle Lipo procedure with Renuvion for even more impressive body contouring results.

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Paired Procedures





CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting Elite

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift


Compared to traditional liposuction, Tickle Lipo gives faster results with less swelling, pain and downtime. That’s because the Tickle Liposuction device, also called a cannula, uses a particular type of movement to remove fat cells with 80 to 90% less disturbance to the surrounding vessels and tissue. Most procedures typically take under two hours, depending on the areas treated. This means a better option for contouring your body shape with less interruption to your life. And it’s available for you at The Lifestyle Center in St. Louis, MO.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Tickle Lipo different from traditional liposuction?

It’s true that Tickle Lipo and traditional liposuction achieve similar results, but Tickle Lipo is the preferred method for doctors and patients alike. It’s safer all around, the results appear more quickly and it requires less of an investment in time and money. Tickle Lipo’s proprietary technology significantly reduces the chances of bruising, swelling and bleeding.

Will the fat come back?

You’ll need to maintain your healthy weight to maintain your results. The remaining fat cells in your body (in any location) can grow and expand if you gain weight, which will affect the appearance of your contours.

How much downtime will I have?

With Tickle Lipo, you may be cleared to return to work as soon as the day after your procedure, with just a couple of days of downtime required. It’s highly recommended that you stay away from large movements or strenuous workouts for about five days.

Will my Tickle Lipo recovery be painful?

Pain is typically minimal, and an over-the-counter pain reliever can be taken. Usually unnecessary, but if you have further discomfort, your doctor can prescribe pain medication to make your recovery time more comfortable. You are encouraged to move around, walk and resume your regular activities the following day. You will be required to wear a compression garment for approximately eight weeks. These garments help compress the skin and reduce swelling for optimal results.

How much fat is removed during Tickle Lipo?

Tickle Lipo and traditional liposuction can remove the same amount of fat. Many patients can lose up to 11 pounds in a single session.

Am I a candidate for Tickle Lipo?

Tickle Lipo is available for men and women with areas of stubborn fat they want removed. It’s best if you’ve tried to follow a healthy lifestyle but have been unable to target the fat in your desired treatment area.

This body contouring procedure might be your ideal procedure if you:

  • Are generally healthy
  • Are close to your ideal weight
  • Have areas of stubborn fat you are unable to eliminate with diet and exercise
  • Have realistic expectations
Does Tickle Lipo treat cellulite?

While Tickle Lipo is not designed to treat cellulite, some patients will see a minor improvement. For true cellulite removal, you’ll want to pair Tickle Lipo with our other techniques, such as Renuvion or injectable dermal fillers.

A med spa you can trust.

The Lifestyle Center is dedicated to not only treating but educating our patients. Located in the Ladue-Frontenac area of St. Louis, we’re proud to offer the widest selection of aesthetic procedures in the area to help you get your dream body. We are not a one-and-done provider; rather, we take a wholistic approach to help you look and feel your best.

Each patient enjoys:

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More than 30 FDA-approved medical devices

A professional staff with over 70 years of combined experience in the aesthetic industry

Unmatched variety of procedures and treatments

Medical Director on-site daily

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